Goodbye My Friend

“I think the hardest part of losing a dog you love isn’t having to say goodbye…it’s the way your entire world changes without them and the emptiness that’s left in your heart when they go.” Anonymous

Two days ago I lost my best friend, protector, and someone I have spend more time with than anyone else over the past 8 years. That is our beloved dog, Robson. I have spent two days crying over the circumstances of his death and that is not what I want this to be about. I want it to be a celebratory post about the truly best being that lived in our house.

Eight years ago when I had to stop working due to Multiple Sclerosis, I found myself so bored all the time. Long story short, we came across a rescue dog named Robson. When we took one look at him, we knew he was the one. He was so dirty and mangy when we got him. We took him to my mother in laws and cleaned him all up. He was really leery of my husband when we first got him. I had to let him out for awhile because he wouldn’t pass by my husband but that ended quickly. My husband is always the fun one. They played together all the time, went for car rides and pretty much followed my husband around everywhere. Getting a rescue dog, you don’t ever know what kind of trauma they will bring with them. The first day we got him, my niece and nephew wanted to come say hi. We watched closely as they climbed all over Robson and he just laid there and licked them. Everyone loved him as soon as they met him. People I know who are afraid of dogs, loved Robson. He was so gentle and sweeet that you just had to.

I have been through many issues during the last eight years with my health. Robson loved going out to the park everyday, but if I couldn’t because of my health, he was quite content to just lie beside me. He was such a calming presence. When I took Reiki training, they had him come and be a dog that people could practice their reiki skills on. Him and I went to the dog park our area everyday for 8 years. Rain or shine, at 2:00 everyday off we went to meet his pals at the park. He had a little pack that he walked with everyday. Max, Bandit, Emily, and Elmo were his most resent pack. Robson was the protector. If any trouble broke out, he would just step in to break it up. When my mental health was not good, he always knew and would just come lay with me with his big head on my leg as if to say “Come on. Let’s get up and move on.” He easily adjusted to my changing gate, using a three wheel bike and then walking with me and my scooter.

I can’t explain how much having Robson has helped me on my journey. There is something magical about how feeding, caring for and protecting an animal can be. I am definitely in a place in my life where I need to accept a lot of help from others to do things. Although Robson definitely helped me, I found real purpose in caring for him. I am sure I will get a dog again, but for now I am just going to wallow in my loss for a little while longer.

Although we have had to say goodbye for now, a huge part of my heart is missing. Our house feels so empty. I’m trying really hard to put on a brave face and think of Robson urging me gently to get up and go the park. I’m sure this will be a long road but I know he is happy now and pain-free and running with the dogs who went before him.

I love you sweet boy. Now and forever. Until; we meet again, run free. .

One Reply to “”

  1. Wonderful tribute to a lucky dog – reiki trainer, pack of playmates, great human family and a lot of support he gave to many in his time here…


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